Location :
This is one of the most popular Sri Anjaneyar temple found in Ambur, Vellore District. This temple is located in the midst of the Ambur village. Getting down from the Ambur railway station, we can reach this sthalam by Auto.
Specialty of this sthalam :
Sri Anjaneyar
The speciality of this temple is Sri Anjaneyar is found in such a position that he is stamping his leg on Sani bhagavan. And it is said that by visiting this temple, we can get rid of Sani Dosham.
About the temple :

Sri Anjaneyar Temple - Entrance During the time of Sri Rama - Ravana war, with the arrow, Lakshmanan was made anesthetic and all stood in silence without knowing what to do. At that time, the bear (Jambhavan) said that with the help of Sanjeevini herbal, his anesthetic could be cured and sent Hanuman to get that. Getting the grace from Sri Ramar, Hanuman flew to get the Sanjeevini herbal. On seeing this, Sukrachariyar, the Kula guru of Ravana, thought if Hanuman would get the Sanjeevini, then Lakshmanan and all the other Vanara Senai in the troop will regain their lost power and so he thought Hanuman should be stopped.

This is the history that is told about this temple and a huge sanctum of Hanuman, about 11 feet height with Sani being stamped is found.
Bhaktas who are much affected by Sani can visit this sthalam and lit the Deepam and can do Apprathakshanam (round in anti-clockwise direction) for 9 times This will minimize the effect of Sani on us. And lots of bhaktas have found a positive result by visiting this sthalam.

The temple tour :
Sri Anjaneyar Temple - Ambur - DeepasthambhamA huge Deepasthambham is found in front of the temple and is said that by litting light in front of this, will really reduce lots of problems the bhaktas facing. The sthala viruksham of this temple is Nelli tree.
Another speciality of this temple is the coconut, which is being broke, is kept at the feet of Hanuman and by performing pooja to the coconut will give a positive result for the people who are seeking to get married. This is said by Archakas of this temple.
Hanuman Jayanti is the special festival, which is performed in a great manner in this temple and also all the Saturday's are said to be special day to visit this sthalam.

Sri Anjaneyar Temple - Footprint of HanumanAnd about 5 kms from this temple, there is a small village named "Aanai madugu", where the footprint of Sri Anjaneyar is found. Every year, during Pongal, great utsavam is done and the utsavar of the Ambur temple visit here and great alankara utsavam is performed. So bhaktas visit this great temple of Sanjeevirayan and let all your doshams get cleared.
So bhaktas, what are you waiting for... Visit this great temple of Hanuman and get his complete blessings.
Jai Seetha Rama Anjaneyaya Namaha!!
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